1997年 ページ部分29.0×32.8 P334 カバー少イタミ、背少ヤケ 付録ポスター2枚のうち1枚欠
現代アーティスト、ダミアン・ハースト(Damien Hirst)の作品集。
ブックデザイン:ジョナサン・バーンブルック(Jonathan Barnbrook)。
is mr. death in? (文:gordon burn)
when logics die
a hundred years and a thousand years
the asthmatic escaped
she wanted to find the most perfect form of flying
the acquired inability to escape
damien hirst: the butterfly effect(文:stuart morgan)
i want to spend the rest of my life everywhere, with everyone, one to one, always, forever, now.
waste, waste 〔twice〕
surgical instrument cabinets
dead ends, died out, explored and dead ends, died out, examined
in & out of love
early work, press cuttings, letters and drawings
freeze, modern medicine, gambler and some went mad, some ran away...
greetings from the gutter
one plus one equals three
cutting ahead
we've got style: the vessel collection
visual candy
modern medicine
pharmaceutical, deuterated compounds and controlled substances
on dumb painting(文:damien hirst)
making beautiful paintings
hanging around
country house
no god
the physical impossibility of death in the mind of someone living
away from the flock
mother and child divided
some comfort gained from the acceptance of the inherent lies in everything
the lovers
the twelve disciples
biography and bibliography
illustrated works