1971年 B6判 P205 カバースレ、少クスミ、少イタミ 天時代シミ
Wessex poems(1898)
{Hap(偶然)/She (at His Funeral)(彼の弔で彼女)/Her Initials(彼女の頭文字)/"I look into My glass"(鏡をのぞき見て)}
Poems of the Past and the Present(1902)
{At a Lunnar Eclips(月蝕にて)/To Life(人生に)/The Doom and She(運命と自然)/The Subalturns(部下たち)/To an Unborn Pauper Child(未生の貧しい児へ)/An August Midnight(八月の真夜中)/The Darkling Thrush(黄昏のつぐみ)/Winter in Durnver Field(冬の畑)}
Time's Langhingstocks(1909)
{The Division(へだて)/The Reminder(思い出させるもの)/God's Education(神への教え)/A young Man's Epigram on Existence(若者の生存に対するエピグラム)}
Satires of Circumstance(1914)
{The Convergence of the Twain(二者の会合)/"When I set out for Lyonnesse(ライオネスへ旅立ちしとき)/Lost Love(失恋)/In the room of Bride-Elect(きまった花嫁の部屋で)/"Ah, Are you Digging on My Grave"(ああ、私の墓を掘り起してるのかい)/In Church(教会で)/Beeny Cliff(ビーニィの崖)/In the Moonlight(月光の中で)/The Walk(散歩)/Without Ceremony(さり気なく)/The Newcomer's Wife(新参者の妻)
Moments of Vision(1917)
{The Blinded Bird(盲目の鳥)/The Wounded(傷)/The Oxen(牛)/Paths of Former Time(昔の小道)/The Robin(駒鳥)/At the Piano(ピアノに向って)/In Time of "The Breaking of Nations"(「国々分裂」のとき)}
Late Lyrics and Earlier(1922)
{A Women Driving(馬駆る乙女)}
Human Shows(1925)
{Waiting Both(待つもの二人)/Two Lips(二つの唇)/Ten Year's Since(あれから十年)/Nobody Comes(誰も来ない)/The Faithful Swallow(忠実なツバメ)/Louie(ルイーザ)/Epitaph on a Pessimist(悲観論者への碑文)/"Why She Moved House"(どうして家を変ったのだろう)/Leaving(別れ)/Why Do I ?(何故つづけるのか)}
Winter Words(1928)
{Poet's Thought(詩人の思想)/He Never Expected Much(彼は決して多くを望まなかった)/A Placid Man's Epitaph(ひそやかな人の碑文)/Christmas:1924(クリスマス:1924)/He Resolves to Say No More(も早何もいうまい)